
Social Responsibility & Community Investments

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What is the MTH Social Responsibility Group?

The MTH Pumps and P&W Foundry Social Responsibility & Community Investment Group is a purpose-driven collective, consisting of passionate individuals drawn from the ranks of MTH and P&W employees. These individuals hail from MTH Tool Company and P&W Foundry, and they share an unwavering commitment to making a positive impact on the world around them. United by a common aspiration to contribute to the betterment of society, this group is dedicated to identifying and supporting causes that foster the well-being and progress of both our local community and the global environment.

Gathering together on a monthly basis, a dynamic committee comprised of eight MTH employees convenes to actively engage in the process of allocating funds. With $2,000 at their disposal, these dedicated individuals collaborate to make judicious decisions about Community Investment and Social Responsibility initiatives. Through thoughtful deliberations, they aim to ensure that the chosen endeavors align with the values of MTH Pumps and P&W Foundry, while making a meaningful difference in the lives of those they touch.

Since its inaugural meeting in July 2021, this initiative has blossomed into a force for positive change. Guided by their shared commitment to social responsibility, the group has generously contributed more than $47,500 to a diverse range of charitable organizations and noble causes. These contributions extend a helping hand to various aspects of our local and extended community, as well as reaching out to address pressing needs on a broader scale.

As the MTH Social Responsibility Group continues to expand its reach and impact, it embodies the spirit of collective action and community engagement that defines the ethos of MTH Pumps and P&W Foundry. With every donation made, this group underscores its dedication to leaving a lasting and positive legacy in the communities it serves.

$13,500 in 2025 Charitable Contributions « Click here to expand our list of 2025 Charitable Contributions


Winner of the "Pumping Hearts for Charity Award" for 2024.


Waubonsee Endowed Machinist Scholarship

($25K › $5K/year)

Waubonsee 5K Fun Run Sponsorship $2,500


Sponsorship for the Indian Valley Vocational Center's SkillsUSA program


$22,012 in 2024 Charitable Contributions « Click here to expand our list of 2024 Charitable Contributions

Juneteenth Celebration MLK Bowling Fundraiser $255


Winner of the "Pumping Hearts for Charity Award" for 2024.

Joe Nuxhall Miracle League

Runner up for the "Pumping Hearts for Charity Award" for 2024.

Juneteenth (City of Plano Sponsorship) $5,500
Waubonsee 5K Fun Run Sponsorship $2,000
Kendall County Fair 4-H Show $1,000
Friends of Scouting $500
Shake Up Shuffle (Sandwich Fair 5K) $1,000
Somonauk Cheer (Local High School Fundraiser $100
PAN MASS Challenge $300
Plano Sports Boosters - The Challenge $500
2024 Cross Lutheran School Walk-A-Thon


Calumet College of Saint Joseph softball Mission $100
The American Red Cross - Hurricanes Milton and Helene $1,025
Recycle with Ronald McDonald House Charities Event $532
Plano Rockin’ Christmas (Helping feed families with school aged children that are less fortunate) $500
Hesed House $1,500
GCAMP works to solve the skills gap. $1,000

$15,700 in 2023 Charitable Contributions « Click here to expand our list of 2023 Charitable Contributions

Juneteenth Celebration Sponsorship $5,500
Kendall County Fair 4-H Show $1,050
Local Softball Team Sponsorship $100
GCAMP $1,000
Waubonsee 5K Fun Run Sponsorship $2,000
Friends of Scouting $500
PAN MASS Challenge $250
Recycle with Ronald McDonald House Charities $500
Plano Sports Boosters - The Challenge $500
2023 Cross Lutheran School Walk-A-Thon


West Aurora Career Show $100
Waubonsee Community College Career Show $1,000
Plano Rockin’ Christmas (Helping feed families with school aged children that are less fortunate) $500
Hesed House $1,500
Kendall County Food Pantry $1,000

$16,734.57 in 2022 Charitable Contributions « Click here to expand our list of 2022 Charitable Contributions

Charitable Giving in 2022

$16,734.57 in Total

Plano Youth Tackle Football For the Young family $1,000
Pop Can Donation - 2nd Hand Ranch Wildlife Rehab Center $1,000
Juneteenth Celebration Sponsorship Platinum Level $2,500
American Heart Association $100
Waubonsee Community College 5k trail race $2,000
Kendall County Fair 4-H Show $1,000
PAN MASS Challenge $250
Sandy Dubar Memorial Golf Outing $250
Friends of Scouting $500
GCAMP $1,000
Plano Back to School Bash $300
Eric Bykowski Memorial $300
Back to School Challenge $100
Recycle with Ronald McDonald House Charities $500
Red Cross for Kentucky Tornado Disaster Relief $500
Plano Rockin’ Christmas $500
Waubonsee Community College Career Show $1,000
Hoover Playground $2,000
West Aurora Career Show $100
Hesed House $1,000
Mooseheart Toy Donation $300

$8,812.25 in 2021 Charitable Contributions « Click here to expand our list of 2021 Charitable Contributions

PAN MASS Challenge(Cancer Raising Bike-a-thon) $500
Feeding the Gulf Coast (Hurricane Relief Fund) $2,000
Aurora Career Fair $100
Kankakee Community College Women’s Softball $100
G Camp (Manufacturing Internship Program for High School Kids) $500
Plano Rockin’ Christmas (Helping feed families with school aged children that are less fortunate) $500
Hessed House (Homeless shelter in Aurora) $1,500
Family in Need (After a tragic Car Accident) $100
Jared’s Dog Park (Eagle Scout Project) $1,000

Family in Need (Loss of Life)


Started in 2024

Pumping Hearts for Charity Award

This award is a $5,000 donation given to a 501c3 charity that an MTH or P&W Team member has personally donated their time and effort to support in a meaningful way.

MTH Educational Investments


High School Students running a CNC Machine MTH Pumps is proud to be part of the Circle of Champions, supporting the nonprofit organization, GCAMP.  Founded in 2014, GCAMP’s goal is to build the manufacturing workforce of tomorrow, today.

GCAMP’s outreach has three main objectives. First, GCAMP is educating young people on the high-quality, high-skills, high-paying opportunities within the manufacturing field. Next, they are dispelling the myths and negative stereotypes surrounding manufacturing.  Last but not least, GCAMP is highlighting the amazing work accomplished everyday by those who work in manufacturing.  

GCAMP connects local students with manufacturers through school visits, plant tours, and more. They bring students and manufacturers together for meaningful interactions, where each group walks away with a better understanding and appreciation of the other group’s value. Through these experiences, manufacturers are able to influence and shape their future workforce, and students are able to see the opportunities that await them when they choose a career in manufacturing. 

Making a Difference

Working with GCAMP, MTH Pumps is optimistic about our future. Through our partnership with GCAMP, new employees are finding meaningful and sustainable careers with MTH and our business is thriving. However, even more than that, we are sustaining, growing, and celebrating manufacturing for the good of everyone - our employees, our community, our country, and our world. 

MTH Scholarships

2023 Contributor of the Year Award

Vermillion and Gold Society

In honor of Waubonsee Community College’s 50th Anniversary, the Foundation announced the formation of the Vermillion and Gold Society, a recognition of annual donors. MTH Pumps is Proud to be a part of this with our annual donations to the scholarship program.

David & Velda Tremain Endowed Engineering Scholarship (Started 2020)

The David & Velda Tremain Endowed Engineering Scholarship is open to students who have a minimum 3.0 GPA and are majoring in engineering science with the intent to transfer to a four year college or university. The scholarship was established by Tim Tremain in honor of his parents David and Velda Tremain. The Tremain family founded MTH Tool Company, Inc. in Plano, IL. The scholarship may cover all or part of tuition and required course fees and may also provide support for required books for credit courses.

  • The 2020 recipient is from Geneva and intends to study pre-engineering at Waubonsee, then transfer to a university with a Chemical Engineering program of study. The recipient's long term hopes are to help bring the production of life-saving drugs to the world Certainly a needed role these days!





Velda Tremain Endowed Nursing Scholarship (Started 2024)

The Velda Tremain Endowed Nursing Scholarship is open to returning students majoring in Nursing who have a minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA and demonstrate financial need; history of volunteering or community service may be considered. This scholarship is to encourage returning nursing students to complete their degree. Throughout her life, Velda has increasingly recognized the importance of nursing, and she hopes that through this scholarship she will be able to encourage the development of more strong, dedicated, and well-trained nurses to serve our world. The scholarship may cover all or part of tuition and required course fees and may also provide support for required books for credit courses.





MTH Pumps Manufacturing Forward CNC Scholarship (New for 2025)

This scholarship is new for 2025 by MTH Pumps to provide assistance to promising students enrolled in a CNC program of study at Waubonsee Community College. MTH Pumps is a growing manufacturer of regenerative turbine pumps used in applications ranging from electronics cooling for MRI, radar, laser, and welding systems, and energy saving devices for major data center operations, to boiler feed and aerial forest firefighting equipment. To promote the entry and success of students in the manufacturing field, MTH wishes to offer an endowed scholarship that will bolster the number of qualified candidates available to a job sector that is critical to our country's ongoing success, and is technologically advanced, personally rewarding, and highly paid.





Other Community Investment Projects

MTH Annual Pop Can Collection Drive

St. Jude

Another long standing social Responsibility effort is our annual pop can collection. The money from the recycled cans is rounded up to $1,000, then we take nominations at large, amongst employees for donating to charity. This year, we had to do it a little differently, but the voting has produced a winner. St. Jude Children's Research Hospital was the recipient for 2020.

2023 Pop Can Collection Drive went to The Exodus Road.


We envision a world in which humans are never bought, sold, or exploited.
Our Mission: We disrupt the darkness of modern-day slavery by partnering with law enforcement to fight human trafficking crime, equipping communities to protect the vulnerable, and empowering survivors as they walk into freedom.

Local Sponsorship Events

MTH Pumps is proud to be a Gold Level Sponsor at the 2022, 2023, & 2024 Waubonsee Community College - Walk, Run and Win 5k Fundraiser.

2nd Annual Walk, Run and WIN with Waubonsee 5K 2023 Waubonsee 5K 3nd Annual Walk, Run and WIN with Waubonsee 5K

Waubonsee Community College - Walk, Run and Win 5k Fundraiser, every year since 2021

Waubonsee 5K 2021 Waubonsee 5K 2021

Juneteenth Celebration, Plano, IL - Every June 19th, since 2021.

Juneteenth 2021