
Awards, Certifications, and Active Memberships

ISO 9001:2015 ISO 14001:2015

ISO 9001:2015 Certification

ISO 14000:2015 Certification

Eagle Registrations Inc.

Since 1994, companies throughout the world have turned to EAGLE for certification of their quality, environmental, health and safety, and food safety management systems ensuring their systems produce safe, reliable products and services. In addition to our third-party certification services, EAGLE’s auditors provide first party or internal audits and second party audits of our clients’ supply chain. Our commitment to helping clients improve productivity and reduce risk is the core of our business philosophy.


​Established on November 4, 1902, as the Fox River Valley Manufacturer's Association,  now known as the Valley Industrial Association was founded  "for the benefit and advantage for all concerned"  manufacturers in the Aurora area. Founded by 16 companies, four of which remain members today (Richards Wilcox, Aurora Metals, and Aurora Specialty Textiles, AMWELL /Division of McNish Corporation), the VIA currently serves more than 200 members, both Industrial Manufacturers and down line businesses that serve them, area educational institutions and municipalities. The VIA’s members are located primarily in the Northern Illinois counties of Kane,  DuPage, Cook, Lake, McHenry, Kendall and  DeKalb, but are not required to be within these areas for membership.


2018 – VIA SPARK Sustainability Award
2020 – VIA SPARK Most Improved Benchmarker
2021 – VIA SPARK Social Responsibility Award
2022 – SPARK Finalist in Social Responsibility, Innovation, Operations, Culture
2023 – SPARK Finalist in Social Responsibility, Innovation, Operations, Workforce Development (Under 150 Employees)
2023 – Winner VIA SPARK Social Responsibility Award
2024 – SPARK Finalist in Social Responsibility, Innovation, Operations, Workforce Development, Culture (Under 150 Employees)
2024 – Winner VIA SPARK Innovation Award
2025 – SPARK Finalist in Social Responsibility, Innovation, Operations, Workforce Development, Culture, and Safety (Under 150 Employees)
2025 – Winner VIA SPARK Social Responsibility Award
2025 – Winner VIA SPARK Innovation Award
2025 – Winner VIA SPARK Culture
2025 – Winner VIA SPARK Award for Overall Excellence

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Awards Gathered on our table at the celebration
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Company Cultuer award being accepted by Jeremy, Emily, and Tim
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Innovation Award being accepted by Brian and Tim
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Social Responsibility Award being accepted by Scott and Tim
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Announcement of the award for excellence
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Speach bering made by Tim at the ceremony


The Refrigerating Engineers & Technicians Association (RETA), founded in 1910, is an international society of individuals and companies involved in the design, operation and service of industrial refrigeration systems. Its purpose is to provide education and training, as well as networking benefits, to both experienced operators and those who have recently entered this rapidly expanding field.


IMEC is a team of improvement specialists and technicians dedicated to providing organizations in Illinois with the tools and techniques to create sustainable competitive futures. The experienced hands-on team at IMEC works closely with its clients to plan critical business improvements in the areas of Leadership, Strategy, Customer Engagement, Operations, and Workforce.

Illinois Manufacturer's Association

For more than two hundred years, innovative and ingenious Illinois manufacturers have made the world a better place to live by creating life-saving products, building our infrastructure, transporting people and products around the globe and into space, feeding the world, powering our homes and businesses, developing pioneering technology and communication, and providing for our nation’s defense.

American Foundry Society

The American Foundry Society (AFS) is North America’s largest trade association and professional society representing and serving the metalcasting industry. Metalcasters design, manufacture and finish highly engineered metal castings that are essential to how the modern world functions.

2023 Contributor of the Year Award

Vermillion and Gold Society

In honor of Waubonsee Community College’s 50th Anniversary, the Foundation announced the formation of the Vermillion and Gold Society, a recognition of annual donors. MTH Pumps is Proud to be a part of this with our annual donations to the scholarship program.

For more information on our scholarship sponsoring, visit our Social Responsibility & Community Investment page!