Vacuum Conversions
In the U.S., the common standard to measure rough vacuum is inches of mercury ("Hg), which can be measured in two different ways. One method is as "Hg gauge ("HgV), where the scale starts at 0" Hg (atmospheric pressure) and goes up to 29.92" Hg, which is perfect vacuum. The other way is to measure in "Hg absolute ("HgA), which is a gauge with a reversed scale. In this case, the scale on the gauge reads 29.92" Hg at atmospheric pressure and 0" Hg would be perfect vacuum. Please note that a perfect vacuum is not possible on earth, no matter which vacuum pump is used. Type a value in any of the fields to convert between vacuum measurements (Based on Water Properties) |
Other Pump Conversion Formulas
- Pressure Conversions
- Flow Conversions
- Temperature Convertions
- Speed Change (Affinity Laws)
- Weight Converter
- Length Converter
- Viscosity Conversion
- Volume Conversion and Calculations of Cylinders, Squares, and Rectangles
- Pipe Velocity & Minimum Pipe Diameter
- Required Pump Horsepower
- Net Positive Suction Head Available (NPSHA)
- Total Dynamic Head
- Horsepower Conversion
- Density to Specific Gravity
- Elevation Calculator